Sunday, 23 December 2007

The Dark Knight Official Trailer : My Thoughts

With the release of the new trailer for The Dark Knight, my fears have been laid to rest. No other trailer have i been more excited about, shit, no FILM have i been more excited about. So i will attempt now to go through point by point some of my views on the trailer. I will be doing a youtube specific review in the new year. Remember to watch it above to help with the understanding of this "Review" / "thoughts"


1. Narration by The Joker. - very good move, an usual choice but i love the way it opens with joker's perspective not batman, very nice movie.

2. The batbike intro - nice, coupled with the images of bruce on his own in his house, then on the rooftop really help quickly establish the idea of Gothem against batman and batman being a loner and not much different from joker.

3. Joker in cell "knives and lint" - Awesome. I like the sense of fear and menace that is built just by this short clip, joker seems very indifferent, just sitting there. The knives and lint line is chilling as is "evening commissionor" with ledger's chilling delivery

4. "Why so Serious!" - Fantastic moment that shows the agression and the darker tone they are taking the joker. Also followed by an awesome moment with him hanging his head out of the car window adding to the insanity and carefree nature of this character. Rocket launcher moment also good and brings the character back to the weedy / fumbling aspects brought up in the cartoons.

5. Bat signal smash - I'm not sure about this storyline, having heard about the fake batmans and possible framing of batman, it seems a little cliched, but i'm willing to wait and see.

6. General action scenes - all the aaction seems to notch stuff

7. Street showdown - the moments of joker and batman in the street "c'mon HIT ME!" reminded me very much of the 1989 burton film with joker and the batwing.

All in all, lets face it the main reason people wanted to see the trailer was for Heath Ledger's version of The Joker, and from my humble opinion, i can't fucking wait.

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