Saw IV basically apitimises why i don't give grades. Much of my review style is less of me reviewing a movie, more of me ranting and trying to figure out just what i thought about it, a lot of which is discovered there and then during the writing process. Then i look back and hopefully it matches my true thoughts while be entertaining at the same time, shall we go for it? Let's go to work
I've made no attempt in the past to cover up my love for the saw series. Many people disagree but i find the saw franchise one of the most refreshing film series' to come out of the film industry in a long time, horror or otherwise. Saw 1 was a subtle yet daring film that really made you think. Saw 2 was yes, more mainstream, but still had the ability to craft a fantastic horror that kept you guessing. Saw III was possibly far fetched at times, but , was a nice way to finish the series with a great feeling of finality.......oh wait....damn.
So it's not over yet. Part of me is happy, part of me has Nightmare on elm street 300000 running in my mind. Anyway, last year (when i was in my full Saw loving mode) i really wanted to see Saw III at the cinema, but didn't. So Saw IV was my first experience of Saw in the cinema. and i was hyped, was it mis-placed?
yes and no. There is deffinatly a sense that the traps may have gone too far, both in their quantity and lack of qaulity. Lets face it, the majority of Saw fans just wanna see the traps, a sad fact, but hey, it has its..."charm". One of the films highlights was a solid performance from Lyriq Bent, who returned as Rigg, a SWAT team member, once a supporting player, now on centre stage. I felt he carried that responsiblity very welll. The film opens fairly well with an autopsy , but the whole first tape being found thing was a bit over the top. Plus, with the whole tape system you REALLY REALLY REALLY have to suspend your disbelief, which, at parts in this film, takes a LOT of suspending. This factor alone can take away from the films overall effect, and i guess, more than any of the others, this factor was present. For Example it all relies on the person following these instructions, what if he / she would of just got home and thron the tape in the bin!!? well, we wouldn't have much of a film i guess. Some acting was a bit off, but that i guess you have to expect from horrors (but should you have to ?). It at times plays like this - Trap - Trap - Trap - Trap - Tape - Trap - Tape - Trap - Jigsaw doll turns up - Trap ect. ect. However though this plotline can get tiresome, i felt the majority of the victims were interesting enough to warrant there inclusion. Especially one of which, who has a connection to John (Saw / Jigsaw) before he starts on his ways and is the reason he started his "Games" (and is the victim of his first ever "game") Some of the backstory and flashbacks were actually pretty engaging, and helped to tell a lot about John's past life and what makes him do his work.
I also liked the way Rigg was being used, the traps and choices set for Rigg being used as a way to try and teach him john's way of thinking, which i thought was a nice touch. However, its just a new way of coating the same idea but giving it a lsightly new twist i guess. I found the payoff very disapointing, i'll let you make your mind up about that, but given the payoff in the first two (II especially) this fell so short......(WHO WAS THAT GUY!? I DON'T CARE...DAMN) just love in jokes, don't ya?. As for the traps and violence, the traps were ok, very gruesome, and look-away worthy thats for sure. What i didn't like was the way the film finished it gave a sense that this could go on forever, due to the bounderies (or lack of) of the story and narrative formation. A great performance from Tobin Bell as usual and for sure has to go down as one of the best horror villians by now.
All in all, I'd say, i was all in all, impressed. By that i mean it managed to be interesting enough, to keep my interest. However, there are some moments that make it by far the weakest Saw film, the payoff i thought was laughable, over use of same ideas, some of the traps, some of the characters. However, some of the apsects, makes it one of the better saw films. Tobin Bell fantastic, backstory to his character done better than in any of the other movies, character of Rigg and his overall task and choice. As i say this film has split my opinion and i'll wait for the DVD for a rewatch. What i can say though is, its better than i thought it would be, theres enough backstory there to keep it interesting, but at same time, theres enough bad acting, unoriginality and one lame ass payoff to make it a bad viewing experience.....
sorry Thats really the best i can do lol .... (rewatch time!)