The film industry is known for "New Waves" the french had it, American cinema had a new wave (highly inspired by the french though) then the UK so on and so on. It appears at the moment we are experiencing a new wave within comedy. This could be best described as a "network" of actors and directors, often friends, who are working, wrtitting and directing together to create a portfolio of work. It's quite clever and sneaky really as its just an easy way to create buzz and get people to see your film. well...take Superbad. Produced by 40 Year Old Virgin director Judd Apatow, and written by 40 year old virgin and Knocked up star Seth Rogan superbad can now be marketed as "a new film from creators of 40 Year old virgin" even though its not directed by him. Much in the way Tarantino was the producer of hostel and suddenly it was "Hostel, From Quentin Tarantino" even though he was merely one of the producers. Anyway this point, though meant in a slightly negative sense becomes pointless when you watch the movie because, sly marketing aside, it does what it says on the tin, and thats be F*cking hillarious.
Having watched 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up & Superbad i can safetly say they are some of the funniest films i have seen in a long while. Though they can be extremely crude (Superbad especially) they have a certain qaulity to them, they almost go back to the golden age of american comedy and deliver something that really challenges and bushes the bounderies. So many comedies of today seem pale, yet these films inject new life into the comedy scene.
Superbad Follows Seth (Jonah Hill), Evan (Michae Cera) & Fogell in their quest to "Get lucky". Along the way, Fogell is seperated from the group is befriended by two cops who he travels with on their duties. That storyline provides for most of the all out jokes, as some of the other plotlines are mixed with more emotional moments (though not that much mind you, not to degree of Knocked up). The cops played by Seth Rogan (Knocked up) and Bill Hader (you, Me & Dupree) are fantastically funny. Some people have complained about the addition of the cops saying they were too over the top in the way they acted. However though i can see where people may view it like that, i felt that manic homour and with the comedic delivery by both involved, for me, it added to the film. It also provided a great hook for the character of Fogell to be discovered further and the interaction between the 3 is hillarious at most part.
One of the biggest faults pointed in the direction of Superbad is its moral issues and its depiction of teenagers and teenage life. Yes this film is crude, very crude. I think there can be something said for a certain amount of negativity within its depiction of women aswell, but (and i may be scrapping the barrel of defense for this issue) but i feel its fairly even. Evan's storyline and his girl , Becca, is not a good representation of young women. She gets drunk alot, is seen as just wanting to have sex, so on and so on, so yes i can agree that is bad. However on the other storyline the roles are reversed where it is the guy (Seth - Jonaah Hill) who is made out to be the idiot. Where the girl he likes, Jules (Emma Stone) doesn't drink, smart and is in control of the situation, where Seth is made to look like the fool. So i feel you have some balence here but i guess that can be compromised a little by the ending (you'll see what i mean)
When i review a film i try to take it for what it is, or if it does what it says on the tin, and superbad is a comedy and all the moral issues aside, for me, it works as a comedy. in fact, not since Knocked up (theres a suprise) have i laughed so much in the cinema. The "Dick Montage" is quite possibly the single funniest thing i have seen and nearly fell out of my seat. Lines such as "if you stratch my back i'll scratch yours" - "well funny thing about my back is its on my penis"...crude yes, but hell whats life without laughter!?
All in all, this team of comedy writers, actors and directors are on a role, with 40 yr old virgin, knocked up and Superbad they are creating hillarious, on the edge, slightly controversial comedy movies that are a cut above what we are used to seeing.